Marc "Ilor" Renouf

Ilor’s Infinity Adventures at GenCon Part 1: ITS After Dark

It's that time of year again: GenCon, baby! As always, there are great Infinity events on offer there, and once again one of Goonhammer's own was on hand to participate! As I mentioned in my series of articles last year...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 5: The Fortunes of War

This week we continue our play-through of the “Totensonntag” Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command. Previous episodes can be found here: Part 1: Introduction to “Totensonntag” Part 2: Let the Battle Begin! Part 3: A Delaying Action Part 4: Flank Attack! In the previous...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 4: Flank Attack!

This week we continue our play-through of the “Totensonntag” Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command. Previous episodes can be found here: Part 1: Introduction to “Totensonntag” Part 2: Let the Battle Begin! Part 3: A Delaying Action The previous scenario saw the German...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 3: A Delaying Action

This week we continue our play-through of the "Totensonntag" Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command. Previous episodes can be found here: Part 1: Introduction to "Totensonntag" Part 2: Let the Battle Begin! Last time, we played through the opening scenario of the...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command Campaign Part 2: Let the Battle Begin!

The next in our ongoing series for the Totensonntag Pint-Sized Campaign for Chain of Command, this week we'll play through the first scenario and talk about some of the campaign's asymmetries and how those are captured on the tabletop. Last...

Goonhammer Historicals: Playing a Chain of Command “Pint-Sized Campaign” Part 1: Intro to “Totensonntag”

We here on the Goonhammer Historicals team natter on constantly about how much we love Too Fat Lardies games in general, and I have opined many times in the past about just how much I like Chain of Command...

Goonhammer Historicals: How To Rig Everything: Modular Masts for Blood & Plunder

With the recent release of Firelock Games' "Raise The Black" expansion for their flagship Blood & Plunder game, we thought it was high time to put out some pirate-based content to get everyone in the mood to raid the...

Goonhammer Historicals: A Day Out at FlintCon

Saturday, February 4th saw this year's installment of FlintCon, a local gaming convention in Flint, MI. Given how much time Flint has spent in the news for terrible reasons since 2014, we wanted to take a little bit of...

Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic Aztecs Review (and Flower Wars Assembly Guide!)

This week the Goonhammer Historicals team takes a look at the Aztec miniatures released by Wargames Atlantic. In addition to a review of the miniatures themselves, we'll talk about how to assemble and paint them for use with the...

It’s Time to Fight Your Friends: Healthy PvP in RPGs – Turn Order

Most traditional Role-Playing Games assume that the Player Characters are going to be "a party," that is to say a group of individuals working together as a team to overcome obstacles and achieve shared goals. Sure, there may be...

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Content We Liked: 20th August, 2023

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We...
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