Jack Hunter

Hextech Terrain for Battletech: The Goonhammer Review

Despite often being played on a flat map, I like Battletech a lot more with terrain. Hextech is making it available to people without their own printer, and I'm reviewing their first release.

The Goonhammer Review: Cerastus Knight Lancer

The Cerastus Knight Lancer goes up for pre-order today as the newest knight reinforcements for either 40k or Horus Heresy, though the box is branded for Heresy. I'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending over a free preview...

Army Showcase: Jack’s Best Painted Imperial Fists at the Tacoma Open 2023

Jack took his Imperial Fists to the Tacoma Open and walked away with best painted. Here he's going through the army and how each unit performed.

Goonhammer Model Review: Commander Dante

The Commander of the Blood Angels is back, and he's bigger than ever. At long last, Small Dante has crossed the Rubicon Primaris and left behind the world of 90s metal models to become Big Dante. We have several...

Battletech: Specialized Armor and How to Defeat It

Have you been running into a Stalker covered in hardened armor like Jack has? He's taking a look at the specialized armors of Battletech and how to counter them on the battlefield.

Goonhammer Reviews the new Commander Farsight Model

Jack and Rockfish both painted up the fancy new Commander Farsight models. They're reviewing how the build and paint process went.

Model Review: Horus Heresy Sky Hunter Jetbikes

They're finally here! The plastic jetbikes we've all (well, at least all the White Scars players) been waiting for. Games Workshop have sent me a free box of them to review, and while I haven't been able to get paint on them yet we can take a look at what's in the box.

New World Eaters Miniatures – The Goonhammer Review

The new Codex isn't the only thing out for World Eaters next week - in addition to the new book there's also a new range of releases, including an update for one of the oldest plastic kits in the...

Battletech Dominions Divided: The Goonhammer Review

The newest Battletech sourcebook, Dominions Divided, releases today and Catalyst has sent us a copy to review.

Model Review: Horus Ascended

Games Workshop sent Jack Horus Ascended to paint up. Here are his thoughts on building and painting it.

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Content We Liked: 20th August, 2023

Although it’s a big internet out there, the Tabletop digital universe is pretty small and spread out. In Content We...
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